Turning the Keys


Giving up control over your most valuable possessions would have been inconceivable years ago. However, for some businesses and organizations, the risk of entrusting security keys to a third party is preferable to dealing with the daily flood of attacks. Over time, the cyber threat landscape becomes more complex. 

Any organization, big or small, is being targeted by hackers. As a result, this organization is looking for solutions to assist them protect their data; networks get increasingly intricate. According to CDW research, more than 25% of security breaches resulted in major consequences for the organization. The majority of small businesses do not have sufficient resources to defend their networks. As a result, they are thinking about collaborating with a managed service provider. 

Organizations and businesses can take advantage of economies of scale by outsourcing their IT security. Because they are deployed to fulfil the demands of various customers who sign up for the service, the IT security services provider can afford to acquire the best talent in the market. These organizations and companies benefit from the expertise of professionals with years of hands-on experience for a fraction of the cost they would pay if the external team were on their payroll, which is usually costly and way out of their budget. 


Cost reduction, a desire to focus on the business, or subcontracting duties for operating and maintaining old systems are all reasons for outsourcing. Regardless of the goal, the prospect of outsourcing tends to elicit strong feelings in both professionals and managers. There are numerous risks that, in practice, reveal outsourcing's limitations. Those who have outsourced have more regrets than they admit, and they have more concerns about contractors than they want to face.

Although outsourcing work is often perceived to be less expensive, companies and organizations must be wary about being taken advantage of. There is an unexpected cost, or should we say a hidden cost!

Profit, rather than a job well done, may drive outsourcing corporations and certain freelancers. That means the work being send out may arrive quickly, but it will be of worse quality than what clients have grown to anticipate from your products or services.


The first step is to explicitly identify the requirements for an outsourced project. This will ensure that the business process runs well and that errors are avoided. Companies must also pay special attention to every detail and cost estimate provided by their outsourcing partner. Finally, use employee productivity management software to precisely clock in each outsourced employee's work hours. This allows management to know how long jobs take and even track overtime hours so that the vendor is paid appropriately.


CSO Asean from IDG Communications Inc. 2017. Retrieved from https://www.csoonline.com/article/3193846/outsourcing-security-would-you-turn-over-the-keys-to-a-third-party.html

Earl, M. 1996. MIT Sloan Management Review. Retrieved from https://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/the-risks-of-outsourcing-it/

Cepero, R. 2020. Bleuwire. Retrieved from https://bleuwire.com/why-you-should-outsource-your-it-security/

Time Doctor. Retrieved from https://biz30.timedoctor.com/risks-of-outsourcing/

Supplyant. 2021. Retrieved from https://supplyant.com/what-are-the-disadvantages-of-outsourcing/


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