Securing Knowledge Management in the Hybrid Era

KM Essentials

Knowledge Management (KM) is a term you've probably heard before. But do you truly understand what it is? Do you really know the benefit of knowledge management?


Knowledge management is a solution that can assist you in better understanding, sharing, and connecting people with the knowledge they need. There are various advantages to having a single source of truth when it comes to information management and rapidly delivering answers to enquiries. (The Benefits of Knowledge Management, 2022)

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), administers, implements, and enforces regulatory laws and policies of the country with respect to the regulation and licensing of various professions and occupations under its jurisdiction, including the enhancement and maintenance of professional and occupational standards and ethics and the enforcement of the rules and regulations relative thereto. (, 2022)

Owing to its mandate, the PRC is always pressured to lower the average handle time with clients. Everyone wants a faster response time — clients like getting information quickly, and PRC also benefits from the cost savings. Through KM, when an employee can efficiently and thoroughly serve clients, average handle time can be reduced. Not only that, but employees must also be well-equipped to provide the quick and precise service that clients need. Client satisfaction rises dramatically when employees are empowered by a knowledge management system to answer customer questions quickly and thoroughly.

Furthermore, employee engagement will undoubtedly rise because of KM. It's essential to give employees the skills they need to be engaged, accomplish their jobs successfully, and be confident and motivated at work. A rich knowledge base can help employees feel confident in answering a wide range of customer and client questions, even if they haven't dealt with the subject before.

"Knowledge is power but knowledge sharing is empowerment."


It signifies that information is stronger than physical strength and that without knowledge, no great job can be accomplished. But power is also dangerous, as it corrupts the best and attracts the worst.  That is why it is best that knowledge is shared because it fosters a sense of community and a common objective.  Everyone will become more driven if they believe they are part of a larger and more significant whole.



(2022). Retrieved April 17, 2022, from

The Benefits of Knowledge Management. (2022). Retrieved April 17, 2022, from




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